Character Sign-ups

Hey! Want to become "a part" of Legacy? Read on!

Sign-Up Forum

  • Name- (Please no names that are very human-like. EX: Sarah, Billy, Joe)
  • Gender- (Male or female, duh!)
  • Animal- (alowed animals: bird, cat, rat, mouse, wolf)
  • Appearance- (What does your animal look like?)
  • Personality- (How does your character act like?)
  • Rank- (Warrior, Scholar, Sage, Fire Sage (Fire Sages are EVIL!!! Their arch enemies are the Crow Flock members) Scavenger, Loner, Inventor, Crow Flock member (Crow Flock members are ALSO EVIL! They are only nice to nasty Scavengers) Villager, other...)
  • Strengths- (What are your character's strengths?)
  • Weaknesses- (What is your charactyer not so good at? And please don't put none!)
  • Past- (What happened in your character's past?)

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